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Earn a badge at Art Garden Studios and create something FUN!







The requirements:

  1. Get inspired

  2. Paint the real world 

  3. Paint a mood

  4. Paint without brushes

  5. paint a mural  


Our Instructor will (1)"Get you inspired" by sharing what we do for inspiration, what we like to paint and why we chose art. Then,you will paint (2)"the real world" in this case, a pet portrait. Discussing the colors we use will show and (3)"paint a mood". The border on the canvas will be made using stamps, and other objects to (4)"paint without brushes".


We will cover the first 4 requirements in 2 hours while completing one painting.


For requirement 5, "Paint a mural" we will need an extra half hour and $3 fee per scout.


scouts $18/scout


add the mural 8-11 scouts/ .5 hour -$30 flat rate

add the mural 12-16 scouts/ 1 hour- $60 flat rate


Your location? add flat $20 for an off-site charge

Painting Badge

Drawing Badge

The requirements:


  1. Experiment with different materias

  2. Learn how to add shading

  3. Get some perspective

  4. Use your imagination like a graphic Artist


The first 4 requirements can be done in 2 hours. Includes an 8x10 sketchbook.

scouts $20/scout


Requirement #5, "make a portfolio" 

add the portfolio 8-11 scouts/.5 hour- $40 flat rate

add the portfolio 12-16/ 1hour- $80 flat rate



Your location? add a flat $20 for an off-site charge

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